Here are some shots of our latest project in Montclair, NJ - A new American restaurant called 12 West.  The site is directly adjacent to a train station and takes some of it's design cues from the location as well as a warm, jewel toned color palate.  Just some background - the building is a long narrow pre-fab structure that had no inherent charm or character.  We broke up the spaces by creating multiple zones which allowed for maximum flexibility.  We will be adding some of these images to our regular site soon, but here's a first look (double click images to enlarge):

For more information regarding this project contact Kraig Kalashian Architecture at Design

 View of the bar area from the entry

View of bar towards entry

Booths frame the perimeter with a view of the tracks

Main view of dining room

Railroad Inspired Casework and Art

If you are in the area, it's definitely worth a trip.  For a link to the restaurant and their menus visit


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